Friday, August 6, 2010

Marriage is Sacred

I heard the news reported on the car radio. I immediately thought of my sister and her family. Residents of California, they had been part of the majority of voters who had supported Proposition 8 – defining legal marriage as between a man and a woman. Now, the news report stated, a federal judge had declared the proposition to be unconstitutional (August 4, 2010). This ruling opens the path to marriage between homosexual partners.

Marriage is the central institution of any civilization. So, what is the nature of marriage? Even primitive societies recognize marriage. Centuries of moral understanding and social mores regarding the institution of marriage have always understood it as between members of the opposite gender. Can this accumulation of knowledge from previous generations spread over every civilization be wrong? The answer, of course, is no.

I am inclined to think that the centuries of moral understanding and social mores that declare marriage to be between a man and a woman will prove to be wise, correct and beneficial to society. This most recent ruling will prove to be foolish and detrimental.

Anyway, the definition of marriage has already been decided by the Highest Court of the Universe. Marriage is not for one mortal to decide. God Almighty has instituted marriage and He has established it as between a man (Adam) and a woman (Eve). Homosexual marriage is not normal, regardless of what a federal judge rules. This appears to be the actual intent of the ruling as the judge stated that Proposition 8 was “a desire to advance the belief that opposite-sex couples are morally superior to same-sex couples.” Everyone knows that an opposite sex couple may be obscenely immoral; but what has that to do with the nature of marriage? The judge shared his opinion on this by stating, “Gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage; marriage under law is a union of equals.” This is what he considers the nature of marriage then: a union of equals without regard to gender.

“…marriage under law…” To what law is he making reference? Proposition 8 was an attempt by the electorate to establish a definitive law. Proposition 8 “violates equal protection under the law”, according to Judge Vaughn R. Walker. The equal protection clause is the law in reference. Really? This is an incredible ruling. The equal protection clause is the rationale behind this odd ruling? It is a ruling that is contrary to what every society, every where, in every period of time, has considered normal.

How refreshing to return to the scripture. The first miracle performed by Jesus in His public ministry was at a wedding. Christ honored the wedding with His presence. He later defined marriage by saying, “At the beginning God created man and woman, and a man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one - no longer two, but one!” (Matthew 19:5-6 NLT).

Jesus here affirms three principles of marriage. First, it is between man and woman. Secondly, it is intended to be permanent. Thirdly, it is sacred. That is, defined and instituted by God. If sacred, then it is not to be messed with. The consequences of redefining marriage away from God’s design will be disappointing to those who engage in same-sex marriage. It will create chaos for society at large. God’s moral law will withstand all who attempt to undermine it. You don’t break God’s law – it breaks you.

Remember this when the topic arises. Mankind has always defined marriage as between a man and a woman. God instituted marriage. And…

Marriage is sacred.

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