Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pray for Christopher Hitchens

I read this morning (July 2, 2010) that Christopher Hitchens is ill. He is to undergo chemotherapy for cancer of the esophagus.

Who is Christopher Hitchens? This resident of Washington D.C. is an author and a leading polemicist of what is called “The New Atheism.” Just what is new about atheism I do not know. But I do know that Hitchens’ 2007 book God is Not Great is a best-seller. He has also authored other books that attempt to convince the reader that there is no God.

When coming across such writings, I tend to remember the comment of a Soviet teenager during the days of Communism: “If there is no God, why do they try so hard to convince us?” You would think the burden of proof would have been upon those who believe in God rather than the atheists, would you not?

Besides his writing, Hitchens also engages in debate, frequently debating the existence of God.

He now has begun what will be a battle, much greater than a mere debate. The battle is not against an army, but a disease. It is a malevolent disease and the man needs prayer. “There is no atheist in a foxhole” goes an old saying. I have already prayed for Hitchens this morning, and invite you to do the same. Let’s pray that God uses this disease, this battle, to bring Hitchens to faith.

Twenty-one years ago the Berlin Wall fell and Communism went into retreat. Explanations for this electrifying moment in history vary. But one common thread exists in all the explanations. Communism offers no inspiring faith in which to believe and absolutely no hope for a world to come. Communism is fundamentally a faith, but one based upon belief in no God. Everything else springs from the basic tenet of atheism. It is no wonder then that Communism fails. Atheism has proved to be a miserable failure. Atheism fails politically. It fails philosophically. It fails religiously. It fails because it does not strengthen a person, a society or the world. Atheism makes it impossible to understand why life is important - why life has value or what meaning life possesses.

I do concede that the many different religions in the world can be confusing. I know it and so does Hitchens, since he makes the argument. But think for a moment. Why is there religion of any kind? People are compelled to acknowledge a Higher Power, God. This is a bona fide testament to His existence. People universally are inherently religious. The confusion of different religions creates a demand that God speak, that He reveal Himself to us, precisely so we may not remain confused. This is where Christianity’s thrust is found – “God, who at many times and in many ways has spoken to our ancestors through the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us through His Son” (Hebrews 1:1-2). The opening verses of the Biblical book of Hebrews establish what is to follow: how it is that God has spoken and revealed Himself through Jesus Christ. Christianity proclaims that God has spoken. There is a reason the Bible is called “the Word” – it reveals the truth about the one living God. It is how He has spoken. The Bible tells of His existence, His nature and His acts. It reveals His will for every person and instructs as to how we may know God. By knowing God we can satisfy the craving of our spirit in this life and know with certainty that there is a better life to come.

This all takes me back to where I began. Christopher Hitchens, one of the prominent spokesmen for atheism today, has cancer. He is in a battle for his life. There is also a battle going on for his soul. Pray that God speaks to Hitchens through this battle.

Pray for Christopher Hitchens.

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