Friday, September 3, 2010

Our God Speaks!

From the earliest days, followers of Jehovah have maintained that He has spoken. It’s a good thing, too! The creation speaks of a Creator; the human conscience seeks relief from guilt, the mind seeks ultimate answers (what is good, fair, right, wrong – and who ultimately decides?). Further, from where do these concepts of fairness, right and wrong, justice, mercy and goodness originate anyway? These revelations all are evidence that point toward a Supreme Being, God. But still, our understanding of life is deficient unless God speaks in some fashion to reveal Himself and answer the most profound questions of human existence.

One of the great teachings of the Bible is a simple one: God speaks. He really does. When He created the world and all that is in it, following each day, He said, “It is good.” After the creation of mankind, made in His image and the grand conclusion of His creative acts, He said, “It is very good.” From this we learn that there is an expectation that God should speak to us. And He does.

He speaks in many ways, seldom in a bombastic, loud, overbearing way. Most frequently it is through the convicting power of the scriptures.

Both internally and externally the scriptures prove their trustworthiness. The scriptures also carry the imprimatur of divine authority, often quoting God (“thus says the LORD…”). Externally, from archaeology, history and every point of confirmation possible, the Bible stands as true. Its remarkable accuracy establishes its inerrancy – it is without error. Internally, not only does the Bible call the reader to believe its information as factual, it claims for itself to be the written revelation of God to mankind. Consider, for example, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the child of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” When the statement “inspired” or “breathed out by God” is used, it means that God is speaking again – this time through the scriptures.

If we really want to know what God would tell us, we should first consult His written word. Perhaps later, in a specific situation, He will speak in a way directly to our need (usually a prompting within our spirit). But the first stop is always the written word, for it is God’s general statement to the world of mankind. It really tells us what we need to know for the situations of life. How much more do we need than correction when our attitudes are wrong? Or reproving when our actions are offensive? The scriptures teach how to “do right” in any situation and encourages good works.

What a fulfilling life to obey what God has spoken!

The verse I used above reveals what God intends to teach us through the Bible. Our lives are to be lived in such a way that “the image of God” (each person) is to reflect Godly character. After all, an image is just a reflection of reality. If our lives are to be lived profitably, we will read the Bible and apply its teachings to life. We will refer to this book often for guidance, instruction, correction and learning what “good” is and how to implement good into our lives (“good works”).

We will refer to the Bible often because God has spoken and continues to speak through its pages.

Our God speaks!

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