Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Fully Committed Heart

“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” – 2 Chronicles 16:9.

Did you ever pause to think that God may be searching for you? Searching to show Himself strong on your behalf and to encourage you?

Just what is He seeking in you?

A heart fully committed to Him. That is, a person of strong faith – willing to trust God in any situation of life.

I was at the hospital bedside of a close friend. He had suffered a massive stroke and lay, unresponsive, in the critical care unit. As I spoke with him, and proceeded to pray with him, my mind went back to the time when he was vigorous. I clearly remember him visiting people, sharing his faith and inviting them to have faith in God also. He was able to trust God fully in life, and I was certain that He would continue to trust God now while facing death.

A heart fully committed in faith to God is beautiful, and it builds a strong person.

How does a person begin this journey to build a heart that is fully committed to Him? You will notice that I deliberately used the word “build”, because this is something we do over time.

First, you have to be available. Are you willing to put yourself in God’s hands, obediently doing what He commands? Can you work God into your schedule, busy as it is, and spend some time with Him? Your time will be well spent as you learn to discern His voice. If you are not certain just what to say, try this: “Lord, here I am. I am available to You today.”

Secondly, reach out to someone. Call a discouraged person, visit someone who is hospitalized or disabled, send a note or card to someone in need. Reaching out to a person is Christlike and pleases God. He will notice these acts of love and compassion.

Thirdly, decide right now that you really don’t know everything. A spirit of humility, admitting that you are not always right or that you know everything, will enable the Holy Spirit to teach you through His Word and through others how your life may be more effectively used by God.

Fourthly, make a decision that you will be faithful. Be faithful to God, be faithful to truth and be faithful to the church. Being faithful is the great virtue promised by Christ to be recognized at the Judgment Day – “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord” – Matthew 25:21. God desires to see this determination above all else.

Here is a building project very much worth the effort:

a fully committed heart.

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