Friday, April 15, 2011

It’s Time to Pray and Act

I am tired of reading, listening, and watching news about the budget debate in Washington. What is there to debate? The March 2011 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report shared that for the forty years prior to Barack Obama’s election, federal deficits averaged around 35% of the country’s annual GDP. That number rose to 62% by the end of 2011. If action is not taken that number will rise to 87% over the next ten years. This information is easily accessible to anyone owning a computer by accessing

Most businesses, every single church I know of, and families all had to tighten the belt in recent years. Job losses and the worst recession since the Great Depression forced such changes.

Here is the news the federal government needs to produce: debt reduction is real, not a political illusion. The country will not go broke. The government is tightening its belt, and while it may hurt for a while, it is a long term cure for what ails us. Remember when the budget debate was about “millions” or even “billions”? Well folks, it is now about “trillions”. Is this a runaway train or what?

What is wrong with a picture where businesses, churches and families all can cut back spending on non-essentials, but our government cannot? My hunch is that our political leaders, with some exceptions (like Paul Ryan) are afraid of cutting back. The political repercussions are too scary – note the government union workers and their spirited demonstrations in Columbus, then multiply that by about, oh, one hundred and you can see what could happen. That would be a mob and would mandate force and a possible police state. It is a politician’s worst nightmare. Cool heads and steady hands must prevail in this debate and political posturing should end. This is a critical moment in our country’s history. The financial mess in which the nation finds itself is non-partisan. Both parties are responsible and both parties must find people willing to work together to lead in this matter. Let’s be frank about it: unless the country cuts spending seriously and begins reducing debt just as seriously, the term “trillions” will be replaced very soon by “quadrillions” and every cent gathered by the government will be used for debt repayment.

But really, I want to take another tack. The scriptures say, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

My tack is twofold. First, this is the time for people to pray. Pray that God gives our political leaders courage. They are all pretty bright individuals who understand what needs to be done. They do not lack in intelligence. Neither do they lack knowledge. But many seem to lack courage. And they appear to live from election to election. Pray that God will raise up statesmen and save us from mere politicians.

And here is the second tactic: put some strength to your prayers. Write your congressman and senators and ask that they work with others, even those from the opposing party, to bring the ravenous spending appetite and mindboggling debt of the federal government under control – for our sake and the sake of our children and grandchildren. Be nice – they are people, too. Be encouraging. Let them know you are praying for them and our country. Perhaps we will see a great movement of God in our time and through our government, one that would parallel the beginning of America through the Continental Congress.

It’s time to pray – and act.

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