Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Be Part of the TEAM

One of the most amazing Bible stories involves Paul, the Apostle. He had been ministering the Gospel in the pagan city of Lystra, when suddenly a mob scene broke out. Paul and his companion, Barnabas, had been honored as deities. They had corrected this wrong notion, and promptly seen the adoring mob turn into a murderous mob.

This mob, urged on by Paul’s enemies, dragged the apostle out of the city and stoned him. Convinced he was dead, the mob returned to the city. He may have been dead. According to 2 Corinthians 12:2-3, not even Paul himself was sure whether he experienced Heaven in reality or in a vision while comatose. Either way, the disciples, the church, gathered around him – probably praying – and what do you know? “But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe” (Acts 14:20).

Paul’s enemies thought he was dead – and probably had checked to make sure of it! Nevertheless, the Lord had other plans. The enemies were wrong, both in their opinion and in their conduct. It was probably good that they considered Paul dead, as it satisfied their thirst for blood and prevented an assault on the church.

Do you ever feel attacked? Or that your “enemies” have successfully killed your credibility, voice or influence? Do you feel beaten down by life’s events? Perhaps you really do have enemies. Most likely you are overcome by life’s difficulties. Things like job loss, death of a loved one, or loneliness.

It is not an accident that the scriptures record “…after the disciples (church) had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city.” The company of the church is powerful! The comfort, encouragement and strength that others from the body of Christ impart is used by God to miraculously revive a person’s spirit. The company of the church changes a person’s attitude and life. You receive strength from others who gather around you during a crisis. And when a person you know is experiencing a crisis, you are able to impart strength to that one.

Look around you today. Do you see a person who has been, figuratively speaking, stoned and left for dead? Pray for that person then go, bring life back into him or her. Provide words of encouragement and hope. Help that person get back up and return to the city – the place of life. Take the person out for lunch, or out to shop. That is the wonderful power of the church: prayer - inviting God’s participation in a situation, and action – doing what needs to be done.

I read an acrostic that went like this: “T.E.A.M. – Together Each Achieves More”.

Are you part of God’s TEAM, the church?

Be part of the TEAM!

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