Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The 101% Principle

I’ve been thinking about the Corinthian church recently. Founded by the Apostle Paul, it was a church with great potential, but also with its problems. It was probably the most difficult church of any that Paul helped start and then established. It was riddled with division and immorality.

I used to think such difficulties were limited to churches. I have since come to learn that any organization made up of people can suffer the same condition.

What strikes me about Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church is that he holds out great hope for these people. He tells them that their disputes can be settled, they can rediscover unity and work together to further the cause.

I think Paul had a basis for holding out this hope. God had shown Paul that these people were redeemable. They were redeemable because they were made in His image and His Spirit was actually at work among them.

I read recently of “the 101% Principle”. This is the idea that you find 1% that can be affirmed in a person or group of persons. Then you give 100% of your attention to it (the 1% that is good or admirable in a person). This admiration and affirmation is stressed long and hard. Then you are able to confront about disturbing matters.

I should tell you that I do not think confrontation is best handled in a loud, argumentative way. It can be handled in a thoughtful and considerate way. Unfortunately, some persons will conclude that you are not serious. But most will, upon reflection, appreciate your tactful approach. It respects their dignity as a person.

The Corinthian church had divisions. Some wanted to follow one person, some another. Four groups were competing for leadership. Nothing has been more detrimental to the local church than when pastors begin competing against one another for a following. They should be cooperating with one another, building a following for Christ. We all need to learn that God will raise up a person when He desires; we should not be involved in promoting ourselves.

The Corinthian church had also fallen into defilement. Sexual immorality was taking place, and the leadership was content to ignore it. Some behaviors are ignored to the hurt of the church’s witness.

However, in spite of these serious problems, the Corinthian church was commended by Paul. How could such a church be commended? Paul saw the 1% that was good in them: they had been touched by God. His Presence and blessing were among them (1 Corinthians, Chapter 1). As a result, they were entirely capable of making right decisions and living honorably.

If we learn properly from Paul, we will begin to incorporate the 101% principle. Start looking for the good in another person. Emphasize it in your thinking. Learn to pray for the person. Even those who are wretched individuals have something in them commendable. You may have to look long and hard, but discipline yourself to look for good in another. Affirm this good. Then if you need to speak about differences, this will smooth the way.

Now, granted, the other person may not change. The 1% may not enlarge itself into 2% or 15%. But one thing will change when you use the 101% Principle. You! You will begin to see people in a different light, a better light. Life will be better and happier for you. And really, that is enough reason to begin using…

The 101% Principle.

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