Friday, September 2, 2011


“Democracy is Christ’s government in church and state.”

This is probably not the definition you have heard of democracy. The attempt to secularize American education has largely been successful, and darkled much of the Christian aspect of our governing documents.

The above quote about democracy was taken from George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights, presented to the general assembly in July, 1776. While brief, it does summarize the essence of American democracy, for it is the Christian ethic, the Law of Moses and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, which is necessary for our democracy to function.

Actually, it was George Mason who provided many of the seminal ideas which became part of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States. The Declaration of Independence, for example, is a great Christian and spiritual document. It naturally arises from the Christian practices of the colonists. Thomas Hooker, a Connecticut pastor, addressed the Connecticut General Court in 1638 with these inspiring words: “The foundation of authority is laid in the free consent of the people…The choice of public magistrates belongs unto the people by God’s own allowance.” It was Thomas Jefferson , author of The Declaration of Independence, who freely “acknowledged his best ideas of democracy had been secured at church meetings” (from a speech by President Calvin Coolidge, quoted in Thinking Cal Coolidge on the Declaration of Independence, by L. John Van Til, The American Story, June 29, 2009).

As I write this, the 10th Anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks is near. Called simply “9-11”, this will be a time when Americans will reflect upon that attack. Hopefully, it will also be a time when Americans reflect upon how precious are liberty and freedom.

May we understand that liberty as we know it is rooted in the nature of God, the Yahweh of the Bible. Tyranny and despotism are rooted in the nature of man. It is not a mistake for America to have as its motto, “In God We Trust.” This creed must be believed and our practices conform to it if the liberty that has made America such a great land is to endure.

But there is one more thought to share. Christ’s government in church and state is frustrating unless His government rules the individual spirit. Does He rule your spirit?

With the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 approaching, may we not take our heritage for granted. Christianity is the heritage that has made liberty possible.

“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land…” (Leviticus 25:10). Know where this scripture is found? If you answered “It is inscribed on the Liberty Bell”, you are correct. America! God shed His grace on thee.

Democracy is Christ’s government in church and state. This is how He meant it to be. The opposite of tyranny, Biblically inspired democracy is what has spawned…
