Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The 101% Principle

I’ve been thinking about the Corinthian church recently. Founded by the Apostle Paul, it was a church with great potential, but also with its problems. It was probably the most difficult church of any that Paul helped start and then established. It was riddled with division and immorality.

I used to think such difficulties were limited to churches. I have since come to learn that any organization made up of people can suffer the same condition.

What strikes me about Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church is that he holds out great hope for these people. He tells them that their disputes can be settled, they can rediscover unity and work together to further the cause.

I think Paul had a basis for holding out this hope. God had shown Paul that these people were redeemable. They were redeemable because they were made in His image and His Spirit was actually at work among them.

I read recently of “the 101% Principle”. This is the idea that you find 1% that can be affirmed in a person or group of persons. Then you give 100% of your attention to it (the 1% that is good or admirable in a person). This admiration and affirmation is stressed long and hard. Then you are able to confront about disturbing matters.

I should tell you that I do not think confrontation is best handled in a loud, argumentative way. It can be handled in a thoughtful and considerate way. Unfortunately, some persons will conclude that you are not serious. But most will, upon reflection, appreciate your tactful approach. It respects their dignity as a person.

The Corinthian church had divisions. Some wanted to follow one person, some another. Four groups were competing for leadership. Nothing has been more detrimental to the local church than when pastors begin competing against one another for a following. They should be cooperating with one another, building a following for Christ. We all need to learn that God will raise up a person when He desires; we should not be involved in promoting ourselves.

The Corinthian church had also fallen into defilement. Sexual immorality was taking place, and the leadership was content to ignore it. Some behaviors are ignored to the hurt of the church’s witness.

However, in spite of these serious problems, the Corinthian church was commended by Paul. How could such a church be commended? Paul saw the 1% that was good in them: they had been touched by God. His Presence and blessing were among them (1 Corinthians, Chapter 1). As a result, they were entirely capable of making right decisions and living honorably.

If we learn properly from Paul, we will begin to incorporate the 101% principle. Start looking for the good in another person. Emphasize it in your thinking. Learn to pray for the person. Even those who are wretched individuals have something in them commendable. You may have to look long and hard, but discipline yourself to look for good in another. Affirm this good. Then if you need to speak about differences, this will smooth the way.

Now, granted, the other person may not change. The 1% may not enlarge itself into 2% or 15%. But one thing will change when you use the 101% Principle. You! You will begin to see people in a different light, a better light. Life will be better and happier for you. And really, that is enough reason to begin using…

The 101% Principle.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Say a Great Big Yes to the Lord

One of the finest examples of American entrepreneurship is that of R.G. Letourneau.

In his biography R.G. Letourneau: Mover of Men and Mountains, the story is told of Letourneau beginning his career in Stockton, California. One of his first jobs was regrading dirt to level out farmland. Becoming frustrated with moving dirt by crawler-tractor, he sought a better way. In 1922 he constructed the first all-welded scraper and fashioned designs for scrapers. One thing led to another, R.G. Letourneau, Inc. was born, and R.G. (Robert Gilmore) became the greatest obstacle-mover in history, building enormous earth-moving machines. During the Second World War, his company produced 70% of all the army’s earth-moving machinery. As a result, he became a multi-millionaire.

Letourneau was a believer in Christ, and he always spoke of God as Chairman of his Board. He also practiced tithing, giving 10% to his church. As his wealth increased, so did his percentage giving. He eventually was giving 90% to his church and other Christian organizations, keeping 10% for his needs and those of his wife, Evelyn. In respect to tithing, his testimony was simple. He was convinced that as a result of tithing and giving above the tithe, his business had been divinely blessed. “The money came in faster than I could give it away” was one refrain he frequently repeated. He then elaborated on this by using an illustration from one of the huge Caterpillars. “I shovel it out, and God shovels it back, but God has a bigger shovel.” A special friend of Billy Graham, Letourneau assisted greatly in establishing the financial base for Mr. Graham’s evangelistic efforts. Letourneau also established an outstanding Christian university in Longview, Texas that is thriving to this day.

R.G. Letourneau’s life verse was Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” His life evidenced the truth of this scripture.

Letourneau’s life and book remind all of us that mountains are here to be moved. Jesus Himself, in speaking of mountains in our lives – anger, depression, vices – said as much. “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” – Matthew 17:20.

America needs more men like R.G. Letourneau. Men who take time to think creatively. Men who know God and desire to serve Him. Men who are unafraid of what others may think.

Another favorite quote from R.G. Letourneau is, “You will never know what you can accomplish until you say a great big yes to the Lord.”

How about you?

Say a great big yes to the Lord.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Learn to Praise God in Adversity

Someone has said, “If life is a classroom, adversity is its teacher.”

Every adverse incident in life has teaching power. The most powerful lessons are learned in the crucible of adversity.

We can also learn from others who have undergone hardship and who desire to pass along their lessons. And do you know what? We need to learn from others. One of the great sources for learning from adversity is the Bible.

For example, the lesson regarding Paul and Silas in prison is instructive. This lesson is found in the Biblical book of Acts, Chapter 16. Unlawfully arrested and placed in jail, these men were found singing praises to God. Their praising was not because the accommodations were luxurious; on the contrary, the accommodations were horrible. Their faith-filled perspective and joyous singing was noticed by the other prisoners and the jail keeper.

We love to sing praises, don’t we? But the context of our doing this is usually comfortable accommodations and lack of persecution. Do we love to give God praise in the worst of circumstances? When someone criticizes you or treats you offensively, do you praise God or do you complain? What lessons might others be learning from you?

After a while of singing praise choruses, Paul and Silas experienced divine intervention. The Lord caused an earthquake to occur, setting Paul and Silas free. Could it have been that God intervened precisely because Paul and Silas chose to praise Him rather than complain to Him? Which response do you think invites God to intervene in a positive way? How do you respond to adversity?

Following the earthquake, Paul and Silas saw others come to faith in God. Their worship and praise had left a mark. Others had seen their positive faith response in the midst of adversity. Paul and Silas had taught the others that there is a God. Furthermore, that God is in charge of even a bad situation. He can use it for good. Having absorbed these lessons, the listeners wanted what Paul and Silas had. They wanted a personal relationship with this personal God.

If life is a classroom and adversity is its teacher, then we are to praise and worship in every conceivable situation. If life is a classroom and adversity is its teacher, then God wants to use us in every situation to convey lessons about His goodness and sovereignty. If life is a classroom and adversity is its teacher, then when we pray, God is invited to intervene in our circumstances.

Learn to praise God in adversity.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nothing Less Will Do

Sir Wilfred Grenfell.

Probably not a name you have heard. People in Labrador, Canada have heard the name, however. While a medical student at London University in the late 1800’s, Grenfell was impressed by the sermons of Dwight Moody. He surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and, in the same year, joined the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. During the next five years he served as surgeon on the first hospital ship dispatched to the North Sea fisheries. In 1892 Grenfell initiated missionary service to the fishermen of Labrador. He soon became absorbed in improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Labrador coast, and he undertook to raise funds from numerous speaking tours. In these tours he would invite people to join him with the words, “I can not guarantee you will make money, but I can guarantee that you will have the time of your life.” Later he established the Grenfell Association, with branches in England, the United States, Newfoundland and other parts of Canada. Upon his retirement in 1932, as a direct result of his labors, there existed six hospitals, four hospital ships, seven nursing stations, two orphanages, two large schools, fourteen industrial centers and a cooperative lumber mill. All done in the name and in the spirit of Christ.

I read about Grenfell just recently. Honestly, before a week ago I had never heard of him. His rhetoric, “I can not guarantee you will make money, but I can guarantee that you will have the time of your life”, made me think of the words of Jesus, “whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple” – Luke 14:27. Both were phrases calling for total commitment.

Jesus made a call for total commitment. In thinking about this call and in studying the history of the disciples, we can surmise why. Only Jesus knows the future. Only obedience to this call will sustain us in the troubles that lay ahead. Only Jesus offers His Presence in the here and now, and eternal life in the age to come.

Andrew and Peter died by crucifixion – their courage sustained by total commitment to Christ and His offer of life. . Bartholomew died by being flayed to death – sustained by total commitment to Christ. Shall we continue through the list? Only John died a natural death of old age – and that was after being returned from exile on the small island of Patmos.
James, son of Zebedee, was beheaded
James, son of Alphaeus, was beaten to death
Thomas was run through with a lance
Matthias was stoned and then beheaded
Matthew was slain by the sword
Thaddeus was shot to death with arrows
Philip was hanged
All found the courage to withstand their trials by having made a total commitment to Christ.

Christianity is not just a feel good, experience success in your sex life, Sunday morning religion. It is a hungering and thirsting after God. A hungering and thirsting that brings a person to Christ, Who alone knows the future of this person and has the supernatural ability to sustain in all trials.

For courage to face difficulties, for inner strength to endure difficulties, fully commit to Christ.

Nothing less will do.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thoughts on Issue 3

I see where Ohioans get to vote on whether or not to permit casino gambling - again. This vote will take place on Tuesday, November 3. It will be the latest in several attempts to place casinos in Ohio by using the ballot. So far, this measure has been defeated each time it has appeared. It seems that proponents are determined to wear the populace down until the measure passes. It takes a lot of money to keep putting this on the ballot – who is providing this financing?

There are good reasons why State Issue 3 should not pass – and this is not being written for political purposes. I write this as a pastor, concerned about public morality, further disintegration of the family, and the destructive, addictive effect of gambling.

Advertisements want people to believe that tens of thousands of jobs will be created. A Hiram College Public Policy Research Group study has decided differently. Money will simply change hands and replace existing jobs. This study goes on to inform us that the objective of casinos is to provide multiple forms of entertainment under one roof. This insures that customers stay in the casino; consequently, established businesses in the vicinity of the proposed casino will lose customers and sales. “It’s really an exchange of money, it’s not economic growth,” said Thomas Pascarella, professor emeritus of economics and management at Hiram College. The Canton Repository reported on September 30 (page A-12) that Professor Pascarella said that “Ohio’s casinos will largely attract local visitors and won’t bring in a large amount of money that wouldn’t normally be spent in the community.”

Now to answer the question, “who is providing this financing?” This expensive issue is on the Ohio ballot again thanks to gambling interests, including an organization called Penn National Gaming. This company would gain a casino monopoly in central Ohio. To curry favor with business leaders in Columbus, Penn National Gaming has promised to make annual financial contributions to an agency called Experience Columbus. This agency exists to boost the prosperity of Columbus by marketing it as an appealing, exciting place to visit and do business. The Columbus Dispatch wrote in its September 27 paper, “Most of the business and civic leaders Experience Columbus represents oppose Issue 3 for good reason: The temporary construction jobs and low-wage service positions it would bring aren’t worth the increased crime, gambling addiction and corruption that typically accompany big-time casinos.”

Casinos do not stimulate economic development. They depress it. “The House” rarely loses – it can not afford to lose. “The House” loses just infrequently enough to keep people coming. The unspoken slogan of the casino is, “A sucker is born every minute.” The individuals “gaming” in the casino are the losers. The money they lose could have been spent on authentic economic development, by patronizing establishments that enhance a community – restaurants, concerts, theaters, automobile dealerships, appliance stores and home remodeling firms. Some might take the money that they would otherwise lose to “The House” and build a roomier house for the family, thus adding to the value of the community. Further donations could be made to churches and synagogues or other charities that assist people.

Rest assured – and do not allow media advertisements to confuse you - if Issue 3 passes, there will be more poverty, homelessness, hunger and addictions as a result. The United States International Gambling Report Series is a 3,000 page compilation of decades of research on gambling. It concludes that casinos cost communities $3 in lost economic development, increased crime and social problems for every $1 they generate in benefits. Is this what you want for Ohio?

Make sure you are registered to vote in November. Vote for the public good by voting “no” on Issue 3, casinos in Ohio.